Swansea University and University of Leicester
with United for All Ages
About United for All Ages
About United for All Ages
The Age Diversity in Neighbourhoods Research Project
Based at Swansea University and University of Leicester, this ESRC-funded project is led by Martin Hyde and Lizzie Evans, in partnership with Stephen Burke of United for All Ages and supported by an external advisory group.
Dr Martin Hyde, Project Director
Martin Hyde is a Professor of Work and Employment at the University of Leicester. He has been writing on issues around ageing at work and retirement for over 20 years and has been involved in a number of large-scale studies including the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), the Survey for Health, Retirement and Ageing in Europe (SHARE) and the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Study of Health (SLOSH). He is the Chair of the British Society of Gerontology Work and Retirement Group, a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and a member of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee for an Ageing Workforce. He has advised both national and local governments on their strategies to promote ageing well.
Dr Lizzie Evans, Senior Researcher
Dr Lizzie Evans is a research psychologist at Swansea University specialising in well-being in later life. Her main research interests are healthy ageing, age friendly environments, later life transitions, shopping and wellbeing in later life. This includes a particular interest in how the wider urban environment can impact on health promoting activities in later life. Lizzie is a mixed methods researcher with experience in interviewing older adults, leading focus groups, designing and conducting surveys as well as analysing large, nationally-representative quantitative datasets. She has worked on a range of projects including the experience of transition to retirement in later life, the UK Ageing Index, the Older People’s External Residential Assessment Tool (OPERAT), Wellbeing of Wales for older people, care home manager attitudes to balancing risk for residents with dementia, and older trans adult’s experiences of ageing and health care services.
Stephen Burke, United for All Ages
Stephen Burke is CEO of two charitable foundations: Hallmark Care Homes Foundation, focusing on ageing well and improving care, and the Goyal Foundation, tackling disadvantage faced by children, young people and women in the UK and abroad. He is also co-founder and director of United for All Ages, an intergenerational ‘think-do’ tank that brings older and younger people together to create a Britain for all ages. Previously Stephen was chief executive of two national care charities and senior manager in various national organisations. Stephen has held leadership positions in local government as a councillor and leader of a London borough and in the NHS on various boards in London and Norfolk . He has been a trustee and chair of some twenty national and local charities in the fields of ageing, housing, care, health and families. Currently he is a trustee of Care Rights UK and Tendring Families First. Stephen co-founded the Campaign to End Loneliness and the Good Care Guide and led mergers to create Grandparents Plus and The Family Mediation Trust.
Dr Fran Darlington-Pollock
Fran Darlington-Pollock is Head of Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity, an independent charity who believes homelessness has no place in Greater Manchester. Fran joined the charity after a career as an academic, first as a lecturer in health geography at Queen Mary University of London, and then as a lecturer in population geography at University of Liverpool. Before leaving Liverpool, Fran led a Nuffield Foundation grant creating a geodemographic classification of the older population of England at small area level. Her wider work focussed on understanding social and spatial inequality. Immediately prior to joining GMMC, Fran worked in the development sector as a research advisor for Save the Children UK. Fran is currently Chair of The Equality Trust and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of York.
Maxwell Hartt
Maxwell Hartt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning and Director of the Population and Place Research Lab at Queen’s University. He is fascinated with how population change shapes, and is shaped by, place and policy. Specifically, Maxwell’s research focuses on aging and shrinking cities. He is the principal investigator of the Aging Playfully project and author of Quietly Shrinking Cities: Canadian Urban Population Loss in an Age of Growth.
Dr Agnes Szabo
Dr Ágnes (Ági) Szabó is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. She is currently completing a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship awarded by The Royal Society–Te Apārangi for research titled: ‘Growing old in an adopted land: Cross-fertilizing ageing and acculturation research’. Her research focuses on intersecting areas of health, ageing and immigration and uses a variety of research methodologies. She integrates life course approaches and acculturation theory with critical gerontology and is interested in the social, environmental and cultural determinants of health and wellbeing.
